Never have I been so prolific as I am now!

Never have I been so prolific as I am now!


Since getting myself a tool that I feel comfortable using everyday, in this case my Fujifilm XT1 I have never been so prolific in creating pictures.

If you read my blog then you'll see I've started posting a new series every Sunday 'My Week in Pictures'. Wanting to do this every week has pushed me to create more work than I ever have.... And another thing I have noticed when doing this is that subconsciously I'm trying to make every click of the shutter count... Every now and then it is a conscious thought to force myself to work on the composition but 95% of the time I'm not thinking about it.

Looking through my work that I create each week I've noticed a trend or style developing in my shots.... I seem to be using layers a lot.... and its becoming very instinctual to create images like this.
Its funny that this has happened as I remember years ago really trying hard to create layers in my pictures and now its becoming second nature almost.... Can only be a good thing!


Windsor, 2014 - Attempting to create layers

Windsor, 2014 - Attempting to create layers

Project - 'Home', 2018 - Layers

Project - 'Home', 2018 - Layers

I encourage everyone to take pictures everyday... and every week create a blog post or Facebook post of your images from that week... after a few weeks go through the images and I hope you'll begin to see a pattern or style in the way you shoot emerge.

Creating is good for the mind, so grab your camera... smart phone... what ever it is and shoot a way... create memories if not for other people then for you!

If you have a blog drop it in the comments... Would love to see them!

Until next time!


Finding the time to shoot

Finding the time to shoot

Documentary Photography: My Week in Pictures

Documentary Photography: My Week in Pictures