Staying Inspired
Fun with Playdough, 2017
Every now and then I seem to lose all motivation to shoot. I lose all inspiration to shoot, and pretty much will not pick up my camera.... And I hate it! When I have these spells, it is so depressing not bringing myself to grab my camera and shoot.
I have a theory as to why 'I' feel this sometimes.... Social Media!
As I work full time, I find it very hard to try and build my business and get it off of the floor to where I want... There is nothing I want more than to be able to provide and support my beautiful family, through photography and it kills me that I'm not... Social Media... Social media can be a very powerful platform to showcase your work... to meet new clients etc etc.... But at the same time it can be your worst fucking enemy and fill you with envy... And every now and then makes me question why am I not thriving.... Am I not good enough... Is there any point?
For a few weeks I tried to stay away from it all to get myself together... I still popped on Instagram every now and then to see what friends are up to, but I never posted anything... And you know what.... It worked!
I had time to focus on what I want to be doing, who I want to work with and my documentary projects.
For those that may follow my Instagram would have seen I even deleted all of my photo's.... and over the last week been re-uploading some of my work so its not such a mess like my head has been.
So whats the best way to stay inspired to shoot and continue shooting?....
“Shoot what you love...”
I wrote a blog post about this but in the midst of my mind I managed to ignore my own intuition to shoot everything that makes who I am.
So the camera is back out again, and a great little camera it is too... Its like every other camera in that it records what we see but it inspires me to shoot and that is an added bonus!
I've been shooting my family a lot again for my on going 'My Family' Project... The kids a crazy and don't slow down but its worth it.
As you can see above its crazy!
I've also got a shoot tomorrow with Michaela again... We've worked together quite a few times and we also get some great portraits and tomorrow will be no different, can't wait!
So if you ever get stuck in a creative rut... Lose motivation... think your not good enough... Just stop.... Come off social media for a few weeks and most importantly... Shoot What You Love... shooting things/people you love will inspire you more than you might think.
Focus and hard work will always pay off!