Fujifilm X-Pro 1 in 2019?

Fujifilm X-Pro 1 in 2019?


So…. Is the Fujifilm X-Pro1 still a good camera in 2019? …

In short, yes!

Considering this camera was released in 2012, it still holds its own.

Yes the Auto Focus isn’t great in low light… Yes the buffer isn’t great… Yes the write speed is a little slow… Yes it only has one SD card slot… Yes the batteries aren’t the best…. BUT

This camera still has its place in many photographers hearts. It has exceptional image quality and feels great to handle. The OVF is nice and bright, and when coupled with the 27mm (my lens of choice for street/documentary) it makes for a wonderful experience to use. Seeing outside the frame lines allows you to anticipate what might happen in your composition.


I originally owned the X-Pro1 back in 2014 and I loved it. It suited my style of shooting and I couldn’t have been happier.

The rangefinder styling and handling was perfect, but most the most important thing about the X-Pro1 was how it inspired me to shoot.

I regrettably sold it because I stupidly believed I needed a full frame system and went ahead with a D700, 24-70 and 70-200…. I had that for about 2 years…. And while good, I hated it… I picked up an X100T for a year and that was an outstanding little camera… Like absurdly good! But it was just a little too small in my hand.

Fast forward to 2017 and I sold the Nikon gear and got back in to Fuji with the XT1… why not the Xt2? Well I didn’t think the upgrades made to the XT2 would be of benefit to me over the XT1… I still own that now and quite frankly love that too… For my fashion work it is fantastic. I’m more than happy to use it on the street but I don’t feel inspired using it in that way… No idea why because its more than capable of doing the job, and it has for me… But inside I was longing for the X-Pro1 again.

Being on the street looking through the OVF, seeing my frame and everything outside it is quite something.

I’m yet to have a day out shooting yet due to other commitments but this weekend and next week I most certainly will… and I can’t wait.

Here are some images from 2014 taken with the X-Pro1



So here we are, in 2019 and I purchased my old friend again… I looked at the X-Pro2 which is also amazing but I longed for the X-Pro1. The specs don’t bother me… I don’t care that its now nearly 7 years old… I don’t care about any of its quirks I mentioned earlier…. I don’t give crap what people might say…. I LOVE IT!

On the street I manual focus so the AF issue really isn’t a problem for me… I zone focus, ISO 1600 and off I go.

So is the X-Pro1 still relevant in 2019? I think so, and so happy to be reunited with it again!


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