Just A Walk In the Park

Just A Walk In the Park


Tired little legs, rest needed.

June, 2024. Summer finally shows signs of its arrival. Sun shining with clear blue skies, birds singing and the distant sound of lawnmowers in the evenings. Spring never happened so the first signs of Summer are very welcome.

Arrive home from work, have dinner and then “Shall we go for a walk?”. When the weather has been do miserable for so long, we take these opportunities. Our son is of an age where its no longer cool to be seen out with his parents. I understand, we were all teenagers once. Our daughter jumps at an opportunity to go out on the scooter, climb a tree or play in the park. This too will one day stop and it will eventually be just the two of us.

Speeding down the hill on her scooter.

Rolling down the hills and climbing high in tree’s. Reminiscent of my own childhood. To be young, free and just live life. The only responsibility being, not to get old too fast. One day the responsibilities grow as we do, and before we know it the feeling of being young and having fun are a distant memory.

We learn to embrace the moments of peace, tranquility. Live in the moment and let the stresses of the day slip, even if just for a passing minute. The local ponds in the park. A small piece of that tranquility exists. Ducks and Geese go about their business, ducklings in tow at this time of year. Easy to stand, forget, and get lost in your thoughts. Making the minute last for as long as you can.

Watching the local ducks and geese go by

Ducks see a human. Must be dinner time


Our walk in the park, never changes. We walk the same route, probably see the same ducks and geese, climb the same hills and admire the same views. Yet every time we go for a walk in the park. its never the same, we enjoy the same views and enjoy being in the presence of what probably are the same geese and ducks.

Strange isn’t it. Creatures of habit.

Reaching the summit


Everywhere we have lived, we’ve had our walk in the park. A place that is easy and local local, yet so far away from reality. Our little space to escape the madness of life.

‘Just a walk in the park’

If you need that break, if you need some space. Find your park, hill, field. Whatever it is. Somewhere you can forget your worries for a minute, enjoy time with family or friends. Try it. Maybe you’ll even climb a tree again. I did, and it hurt. Whats that saying, “The bigger they are, the harder they fall”? Yeah, i see it as the older you get, the more it hurts when you fall.


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