Lewis Baker Photography

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Always have a camera with you!

How many times have you heard that?

"Always have a camera with you..." 

I've read this and heard this on many, many occasions... And its true!  If you want to document what ever it may be, its important to have a camera.
At home my camera is of course always here and when we go out, I make a conscious decision to take it with me... especially as one of my current projects is documenting my family.

Do I always have it.... No... Why? Sometimes when I am lacking inspiration (Read last post for staying inspired) I can't bring myself to take it...  Or perhaps a quick drive to the supermarket I just don't feel the need. If I don't have it I try not to think about photography because I know I'd kick myself for missed opportunities.

Generally though I will always have it. It goes to work with me every day or night, the park etc etc... you get the idea. 

As a documentary photographer it is pretty important to have a camera with you at all times. Even when i'm not out consciously working on one of my projects you never know when you are going to see something that is a possible project, so its a good idea to have a camera to make a few shots and see if the project might go anywhere. A lot of idea's may not work out but if we never try nothing in life, then nothing will be achieved. 

So if you are working on projects.... If you are a street photographer... Take your camera out with you as much as possible... There is nothing worse than being out and without it.... And you miss what could have been a great picture!

A bit of a ramble I know but today I went out without my camera for a few hours... And yes I wish I had taken it, missed a few good opportunities... We live and learn by our mistakes!
